Rich Dorfman Apps

AppNameInfo 1.0
Rich Dorfman
NOTE: As of Android SDK version 21(Lollipop),android.permission.GET_TASKS is DEPRECATED. That meansthat thisapp can no longer access a list of running apps.AppNameInfocontinues to be fully functional on pre-Lollipopdevices. Onpost-Lollipop devices, AppNameInfo displays only thelist of allinstalled apps. - Rich Dorfman, Oct 10, 2019 AppNameInfois a FREEforensic utility that lets you determine which apps arerunning onan Android device. The app's three tabs provide thefollowing viewsand functions: * Display "All Apps" on device andpath to eachapp's apk file * Display "Running Apps" on device andpath to eachapp's apk file * Generate logcat entry ( "Write toLogcat" )showing complete list of apps, running apps and paths forcaptureto text file via adb. To capture complete app list, performthefollowing steps: 1. Enable USB debugging in Androiddevicesettings. 2. With Android SDK installed on computer,connectAndroid device via USB cable. 3. Launch AppNameInfo andnavigate to"Write to Logcat" tab. 4. At computer, open commandprompt andnavigate to Android SDK adb directory. For example:cdC:\AndroidSDK\platform-tools 5. Capture logcat entries to textfilevia adb. For example: adb logcat -s AppNameInfo>c:\MyRunningApps.txt Text file may be edited to effecttabularpresentation in a Word document, as follows: 1. Open textfile intext editor. 2. Search and replace to edit out logcatartifact,e.g., "I/AppNameInfo(29896): " (if generated by deviceunder test).3. Fields in text document are denoted by pipedelimiter ( "|" ).Use this delimiter when importing into Word tocreate 3-columntable. 4. In text document, "Running Apps" columnuses "cCc"character string to denote an app that is running. InWord, you maysearch string "cCc" and replace with check markwherever the stringoccurs in your table.